Sunday, November 22, 2009

Splitting by age group

In the New Year we will likely split the Sunday School class in two groups. How will the younger group do a few minutes of letters and the older group also continue to learn Hebrew? What curriculum will we use for the older group? These questions are in our thoughts as the New Year approaches.

One thought on curriculum is to do a series of portraits of Jesus.

I scratched a few thoughts about overall themes during the sermon today. We have already approached the role of Prophet. I wonder if this spokesperson and mediation role could find expression in a study of the presence of the High Priest on our behalf at the Mercy Seat. This is a full subject for exploration and would encompass the ancient sacrifices and the self-giving of Jesus. - Portrait 1: Prophet-Priest

A primary role of the prophet is as servant. Christ as servant to the circumcision and Jesus as embodying the suffering servant. Servant is used as an early title in Acts. Mark, Acts, and Isaiah would provide study here. Portrait 2: Servant

The Lamb and the Bridegroom. The book of Revelation provides a third portrait. The Shepherd King, son of David a fourth. His humanity is perhaps foremost in the role of son of Abraham. This humanity includes walking by faith (Habakkuk) and the temptation and will focus on how Jesus used the Scripture. Portrait 5: the human Jesus. This can include the origin and use of the phrase son of man.

A sixth portrait could encompass the aspects of Judge and Redeemer, the teacher and preacher. Again in the role of prophet, the one who rebukes and builds up. Temple Builder? - the role of the Spirit - Is the Lord, the Spirit open to a portrait - perhaps a theological one?

And seventh - the Son of God. Such a portrait would likely take much of its focus from John's Gospel, summed up in the word made flesh and the seven I am statements. This too should not focus exclusively on the NT but also include the Hebraic roots of the imagery and the anointing of the Law, the Prophets and the Writings for our learning as well as all who have loved these words both in old times and now.

Each portrait merges into the other - a study in itself.

Any thoughts?

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